2013 CCLS-Archbishop Thomas Wenski Dinner

Fifteen Years of

 Faithful Service to

Immigrants & Refugees




Catholic Legal Services (CCLS) is celebrating 15 years of distinguished and faithful service to the South Florida’s immigrant and refugee communities.  Please join us as a sponsor.


On Thursday evening the 5th day of December 2013, Most Reverend Thomas Wenski, Archbishop of Miami and Catholic Legal Services, a dedicated agency of the Archdiocese of Miami providing legal immigration services and attorney representation to indigents who have come to South Florida from foreign lands and lack sufficient means to obtain professional legal services without regard to their race, religion, sex or ethnic background, will be hosting the Annual Dinner event for Catholic Legal Services at the Jungle Island Top Ballroom.


The  event  will  feature  the  Archbishop  along  with  a  wonderful  program  that  includes  a  silent auction, a great speaker, songs and fine dining to fill the hearts of attendees with joy.


This event attracts more than 300 guests, including the Tri County’s top corporate, financial and

community leaders.  It is the matter of immense pleasure that Archbishop Wenski invites you to join him at this Annual Dinner to celebrate the 15th anniversary of CCLS.  It has been 15 wonderful years in this community attending the legal needs of the immigrant and refugee communities, completing their paperwork, representing them before the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, the Immigration Courts and the Board of Immigration Appeals.  Archbishop urges your support to ensure the success of this event so that CCLS may continue to provide these good services to those in most need.


About Catholic Legal Services, Archdiocese of Miami

The Old Testament enjoins us to “treat the alien who resides with you no differently than the natives born among you.”  (Leviticus 19:34) The mission of Catholic Legal Services (CCLS) is to implement this teaching by providing professional immigration services to South Florida’s refugee and immigrant communities and attorney representation before the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, the Immigration Courts and the Board of Immigration Appeals.


Over 2000 individuals seek the services of CCLS each month: individuals seeking to reunite with their families; political, social and religious refugees seeking safety and security; essential religious workers seeking to minister to U.S. religious communities; battered spouses and their children; unaccompanied minors.  These individuals confront a complex immigration law and a confusing bureaucracy.  Many have unhealed wounds from a painful past.  Many encounter unexpected bigotry and barriers as they adjust to a new culture and a new way of life.  They face an uncertain future.


Without CCLS’s assistance, too many deserving immigrants and refugees would lose the opportunity to avail themselves of the laws enacted for their protection.  Others would fall prey to schemes of unscrupulous and unlicensed immigration hucksters capitalizing on the naiveté, poverty, and desperation of the newcomer.  However, with our help, many deserving immigrants and refugees persevere and realize their dreams for a bright and secure future in the United States.


Join Us as a Sponsor

We invite you to review the sponsorship levels and carefully consider how you will support Catholic Legal Services.  Events like the Archbishop’s Dinner help with the successful accomplishment of our mission to transforms individuals from “illegal aliens” to productive, participating members of our community.  In turn, their contributions strengthen and diversify our nation.


Please contact me for more information on sponsorship opportunities at 305-778-9929.


Thank you in advance for your support.




Myriam Mezadieu


Myriam Mezadieu

Chief Operating Officer

Event Coordinator

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