Haïti-Onu : Le Conseil de sécurité presse les acteurs haïtiens d’entrer en dialogue de bonne foi pour la formation d’un gouvernement (Officiel)

P-au-P., 05 oct 2019 [AlterPresse]— Le Conseil de sécurité presse les acteurs haïtiens d’entrer en dialogue de bonne foi pour la formation d’un gouvernement, apprend AlterPresse.
Suit la déclaration du Conseil de sécurité émise le 04 octobre :
« Security Council Press Statement on Haiti
The members of the Security Council reiterated their commitment to working with the people and government of Haiti towards a democratic, peaceful, and secure future.
The members of the Security Council condemned the violence that has taken place in Haiti in recent weeks.
The members of the Security Council urged Haiti’s political, economic, and civil society stakeholders to engage in an inclusive and good-faith dialogue to form a government that will serve the people of Haiti .
The members of the Security Council stressed the importance of addressing deteriorating humanitarian conditions in Haiti through continuing coordinated action by the government of Haiti, the United Nations, and the international community ».
[apr 05/10/2019 13:00]

Source : https://www.alterpresse.org/spip.php?article24808#.XZjkWG5FyP8

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