Haiti – Social : 16 million Haitians in 2050

02/11/2012 12:07:32

g-7059According to Evens Joseph, Director of the Haitian Institute of Statistics and Informatics (IHSI), the Haitian population currently estimated at 10 million inhabitants will reach 16.1 million in 2050, despite an average population growth lower than that measured during the last 50 years. This population will be composed of 8,023,000 men and 8,126,000 women, which will will live for two thirds in urban areas, against 50% currently.

According the IHSI, these informations are essential to the Government for the planning of economic and social development of the country, which will be able “[…] to get an idea, more objective, of the challenges to which we will have to face : schools, health centers to build, the jobs to create.”

The population projection was made possible through the support of Latin American and Caribbean Demographic Centre (ECLAC) and the Economic Commission for Latin America (CEPAL).

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