Haiti – Tourism : The first tourists are satisfied

Haiti – Tourism : The first tourists are satisfied
24/10/2012 11:01:11

g-6981“We discovered a great country where people live proud, of happy people,” declared Marie-Josée Cozema, one of the tourists from Guadeloupe, who left the country on Monday after spending 4 nights in Haiti between 18 and 22 October as part of a tour.

The arrival of this first group of tourism Guadeloupeans, follows, on the one hand to the initiative of the Ministry of Tourism [in March and May], to invite twenty travel agents of Guadeloupe and Martinique, to visit Haiti within the framework of Éductour [in collaboration with the tourism Association of Haiti (ATH)], to expose them the advantages and potential of Haiti and explore various regions of the country.

Guadeloupeans said they were astonished to see that Haiti was not the image [negative], which is shown [in the media outside the country]. During their stay, they visited, among others : the MUPANAH, the Observatory of Boutilliers, the Iron Market, the Village de Noailles and have participated in the show “Artisanat en fête” at the Historic Park of the Sugar cane in Port-au-Prince.

After his visit to the Museum of Haitian National Pantheon (MUPANAH), Paul Raymond, one of the tourists of group [who wanted to know the first independent black republic in the world], said he was pleased to be able to discover and learn about the stages of the history of Haiti.

Other tourists seemed rather to have been seduced by our mountains and “magnificent views of Saut d’Eau” but their great disappointment, according to Bruno Jean, the agent organizer of the travel it’s to not have visited Jacmel. Nevertheless satisfied with this first trips, Bruno Jean stated that it will not be the last “We have photos, we were there, we saw and touched with the finger.”

HL/ HaitiLibre

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