The Dominican Republic makes the promotion of tourism in Haiti

Haiti – Tourism : The Dominican Republic makes the promotion of tourism in Haiti
22/10/2012 12:03:18

g-6962-1On the occasion of the tourism fair “Discover POP 2012” , organized by the CTDPP (Clúster Turístico del destino Puerto Plata) in coordination with the Dominican Ministry of tourism and hospitality industry, which was held from October 19 to 21 in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, the OPERTUR (Asociación de Operadores de Turismo Receptivo) of the Dominican Republic, has presented and makes the promotion in front of more than forty national actors, of a tourism offer multiple destinations : Puerto Plata – Cap-Haïtien “Una isla dos países” (an island two countries). This initiative is supported by Stéphanie Balmir Villedrouin, the Minister of Tourism, which considers important the tourism cooperation between the two Caribbean countries.

Furthermore Saturday, René Jean Jumeau, Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister in charge of energy security in collaboration with the Ministries of Culture and Tourism, has launched an international contest, of plans of lighting design for several historic sites. In a first phase the sites concerned are : the Citadelle Laferrière, the Sans-Souci Palace and the Basilica of Milot. This contest is open to lighting companies and architects offices as well as schools of architecture in the country and abroad. The terms of this contest should be made ​​public this week. The winner who will see its project realized, will receive a cash prize of $15,000.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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