Archive | Writer’s Desk


Who is Tico Armand Biography That Earthquake that took place is part of me. I am known as one of the poorest in the Western Hemisphere, I am known as many things that depicts ugliness, I am a mockery of their perception of me, me who was the first black nation to gain independence in Latin America. I […]

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The Stains of Racism in America

The Stains of Racism in America © Max Zamor [email protected] Conservative America is up in arms over Barack Obama’s speech about George Zimmerman’s verdict. That kind of uproar is nothing more than a normal reaction reminding us once again that there are deep stains of racism on America’s character. The conversations going on now are […]

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-Political Acrobatics, Haitian Style-

-Political Acrobatics, Haitian Style- © Max Zamor [email protected] A few months ago, I watched a short video documentary on describing two investment successes in Haiti: The Oasis complex in “Petion-Ville” and the building of a thirty megawatts electrical power plant outside of “Cité Soleil”. While I applaud these two projects, I cannot help but […]

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Marque culturelle et retour aux racines

Marque culturelle et retour aux racines Marie-Thérèse Labossière Thomas   En avril 1968, suite à l’assassinat de Martin Luther King, des émeutes raciales éclatèrent aux Etats-Unis et la Garde Nationale se déploya dans la ville de  Washington DC. La dynamique sociale continuant d’évoluer, l’heure était à la découverte et au changement.   Il y a […]

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Is Jean-Claude Duvalier Forgiveable?

Is Jean-Claude Duvalier Forgiveable? © Max Zamor [email protected] Just mention the name Duvalier and you’ll get an earful of converging opinions from many, especially Haïtians who lived through the brutal period when father François and son Jean-Claude ruled Haïti in tandem with iron fists, for almost thirty years. They spread fear while being protected by […]

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My Cultural Marker: A Path to the Roots

My Cultural Marker: A Path to the Roots Marie-Thérèse Labossière Thomas   In April 1968, race riots erupted in the US following the assassination of Martin Luther King, and the National Guard was deployed in Washington DC. As social dynamics continued to evolve, the time was ripe for change and learning.    Several years ago, […]

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À quand le changement chez nous, en Haïti ?

À quand le changement chez nous, en Haïti ?   Commençons par rendre un très sincère hommage à l’un des plus éminents apôtres du changement de notre époque. Il s’agit du président vénézuélien Hugo Chavez, décédé le 5 mars dernier. Il fut un citoyen du monde connu pour son énergique engagement, non seulement dans son […]

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